Mar 27, 2021Liked by Clayton Craddock

I'm not sure your entire reaction is warranted, but two points, at least, are hugely important. "Why are so many overly anxious about other people's immune status?" If I can be confident in the efficacy of my vaccination (and I've had it), why should I worry so about anyone else? I doubt they intend to create doubt about the vaccination, but that is precisely what follows.

"Vaccine passports might expand to include other forms of personal health data." Scary. The ways this information might be used (and sold) in the future are many and the creation of such a database needs much more discussion if it is every to be considered.

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Apr 17, 2021Liked by Clayton Craddock

Income tax filing requirements, and the universal unquestioning capitulation to them, have shown for decades that Americans have no working concept of personal freedom. By and large, most Americans will 'comply' with whatever invasive idiocy they are ordered to, merely as the path of least resistance toward a life of permanent debt and continual accountability to a regime in exchange for lifestyle amenities most could never truly afford but would not be seen in public doing without. It has always been only a matter of time before those in power discovered the full magnitude of this acquiescent tendency in their subject peoples, and moved to take the fullest advantage of it in favor of the official caste and the preservation and expansion of its unearned powers.

In other words, America, you asked for this. You have been down on your knees every April 15th for longer than living memory by now, begging, pleading, for a regime to strip you of whatever minuscule and trivial vestiges of genuine liberty you may still possess, and for no more reason than because this is what you have been hypnotized all your lives to believe is necessary for the upholding of public order, or something.

This maneuver has nothing whatsoever to do with any danger of contagion, and like all the other opportunistic moves by the official sector nominally having to do with this 'covid' scare, this is just one more power grab and nothing but. From where I sit, anyone who has already shown a willingness to submit official paperwork explaining how they earn their daily bread and what they do with it has already dealt away any meaningful liberty long since, so what difference would having to show this 'vaccine passport' make by now? The time to resist such officious invasions of personal sovereignty has long since passed, and the opportunity to uphold it squandered, ever since the first time any of you obediently sent in one of those contemptible 'tax forms.'

You get what you pay for, it turns out. I am proud of the fact that I for one stopped paying out-of-pocket and under coercion for this farce of 'government' long ago, but continue to be sad and disappointed that more of my fellow Americans never caught on to what this 'income tax' scam was always really about (hint: it never had anything to do with collecting 'revenue...')

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