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Sep 26, 2023·edited Sep 26, 2023

As with so many of the idiotic fads that have caught on and become everyday near-necessities during this Century of Stupid, this EV craze has all the signs of becoming quite possibly the stupidest thing the human race has done to itself for no good reason to date.

Your mention of the availability of charging platforms given a vast increase in EV usage only barely touches the tip of the iceberg. According to some sources I've examined on the development of battery-powered transport in China, on a far more massive scale already than our nation of a few dozen million drivers may ever face, the problems that have emerged are almost too many to count.

As I understand it, what seems to be occurring in China, where the state has undertaken to promote an EV future both suddenly and rapidly around the nation's largest cities, the troubles apparently arise mostly from the creation of a whole new industrial mega-complex, tasked specifically to mass-produce what amounts to experimental and far from debugged technology.

This has given rise to problems of supply simply not being able to keep up with demand, unless no end of the component parts required are farmed out to a fast-growing semi-legal marketplace of sub-sub-sub-contractors and reverse-engineering of other brands' products in order to fill the orders for the thousands of different parts that have to go into these gimmicks.

This of course has led to disastrous economic, legal, environmental and public-safety after-effects, such as entire lines of not only automobiles but scooters, delivery vans, urban buses, and any number of utility vehicles and equipment types (backhoes and cranes and farm tractors run on fossil fuels too, until they aren't allowed to....), one after another having to be recalled and banned from lawful sale, owing to performance and safety issues, which look to be led by millions of cheaply-made batteries and circuitry parts, either not working at all or just up and catching fire.

I've seen videos of multiple spontaneous-combustion fires in parked and non-running vehicles on city streets, along with aerial shots of huge graveyards of thousands of near-new cars and scooters which had been removed from use by government order, and I doubt that what I've seen even scratches the surface of this type of problems going on, just in one country.

Also there have been a number of EV fires which had set off shipboard blazes in car-carrier vessels, both on the high seas and at anchor in ports. According to Sal Mercagliano of the What Is Going On With Shipping channel on Youtube (one of the most exemplary and credible sources of daily information in the whole content-creator mediasphere), what happens when EVs catch fire is that the batteries burn at some five times the temperatures of conventional fuel-based vehicles, take far more water and time to get them under control, emit toxic gases, and generally make the firefighters' job in containing them far more dangerous, difficult, time-consuming and expensive, per blaze. And, in the case of oversea carrier vessels hauling thousands of units per load in multi-deck ships which Sal describes as 'bumper to bumper, door to door, floor to ceiling, with chains securing them to the deck', once such a fire starts, the physical obstacles to even getting to the hot spots become overwhelming, and fatal in more than one instance, where fire crew personnel lacking the training and equipment to fight shipboard EV fires have lost their lives, in conditions they simply don't have the resources to deal with.

The whole idea of EVs is so unspeakably, and obviously, stupid, and for such a long list of very substantive reasons backed by mountains of solid evidence, that given the era we live in, it's sure to catch on and become the next big stupid thing making life way more difficult for everyone and solving none of the problems it is advertised as addressing.

Remind me again why I got rid of my last automobile and went back to only using a bicycle?

And no, it isn't powered by a battery. My pantry, refrigerator and kitchen stove are the only 'charging station' that vehicle will ever need, and for good reason.

I'm told that there is no cure for stupid. God help us, I do hope there are at least some countermeasures for it, because we'll being seeing a whole lot more stupid ideas exploding into permanence before anybody decides to, you know, think things through (!) before starting whole new industries on the basis of silly Thunbergian superstitions, and the need to signal one's putative virtues based on them because apparently everyone else is.

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