Jul 28, 2021Liked by Clayton Craddock

'working too hard, not spending enough time with loved ones, emphasizing acquiring material possessions, and not expressing their true feelings to those who matter'

It may not even be possible for me to express how moot these points are to me.

Nobody could ever accuse me of working too hard, for one thing. I prefer getting things done for the sake of being done with them. I would have preferred that my time spent with loved ones could have been committed at least in part to our getting things done together to make the work less hard for each of us, but it turns out they all had other things to do, mostly building their own cages packed with material possessions and barred by the perennial debts and obligations they must work too hard at servicing in order to keep their cages intact.

Expressing my truest feelings to my loved ones, much as I might want them to matter and for me to matter to them, would mean that I would be telling them how impossible it always was for me to live in a cage, and that I wish even one or two of them might take that seriously enough about me to pitch in and work together on not having to live in captivity any more.

But people prefer their cages. I guess.

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It's about choices. We can also come to our end thinking about all the love and beauty we have seen and felt, hoping we have passed some of that on to others.

What I wonder is why the man thought it was a good idea to take a bird that lived in the wild and keep him in a cage. How would he have felt if he was the diminutive person in a Twilight Zone episode who was taken by a seeming giant and kept in a doll house for his amusement?

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