Feb 2, 2023Liked by Clayton Craddock

Just for context's sake, I wonder if anyone reading this article has ever questioned why they require the device they probably encountered it on, why they can never tolerate being more than a few feet away from it, why they allow its constant interruptions to become in an instant the paramount priority occupying their attention, why they are willing to invest an acceptance of the alteration of the very meanings of words such as 'friend', 'share', community' or 'support' into keeping up with the continual barrage of behavioral requirements this device delivers to them.

Sure, the CIA monkeying around with LSD on study groups half a century ago is some curious but not particularly useful trivia from a former epoch. But if you want to do some direct empirical research on the nature and scope of mind control, look no further than the end of your arm.

And who was it that put that device there? Somehow I don't think the blame for this particular mass effort of controlling humanity's very thoughts in real-time can be laid on 'the government.' If you want to know whose fault this is, just have a look in the mirror, if you dare. Did somebody trick you into buying that smart-phone? Was your own personal decision to sign up for whichever multi-dimensional array of 'social media' sites you use something you were tricked into unknowingly while high on drugs you didn't know you'd been given? Was it 'the government's' doing that your entire way of life is now administered by manufacturers and distributors of digital gimmicks?

There is plenty to blame 'the government' for, for all the good it will do anyone. But it was never any government's fault that you sold your soul to a line of addictive toys: not even the CIA was ever that cynical, not were any of its silly experiments in the cold war anywhere near that successful.

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Clayton Craddock

Scary that this happened without any knowledge of the "victims" it was perpetrated on. I have no doubt that it could happen again, or may even be happening now. Thank you for all your research and for keeping us informed!

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